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Watch These Movies Before the Country Turns Green

St. Patricks day is a wonderful time to get packed and making terrible life decisions. So before that, how about watching some of the best Irish movies to raise your glass on the 17th. Cheers!

Intermission (2003)

This movie has a huge Irish cast with some of our favorites such as Cillian Murphy, Colin Farrell and Kelly MacDonald. Since we passed the Valentine's Day, Intermission can be considered as the dark version of Love Actually. But I promise you, you will laugh. Despite the multiple stories in Intermission, you will enjoy every single story and surprise how well-crafted film this is.

Ps. This movie will change the way you look at brown sauce completely!

Angela's Ashes (1999)

This movie has been made out of a Pulitzer Price winning book. The movies made out of good books can be disappointing sometimes, but this time you won't regret. While watching Angela's Ashes you'll be fascinated by the fantastic cinematography and the great job of the actors. Enjoy this beautiful drama.

Sing Street (2016)

When I first watched this movie, honestly, I wasn't expecting it to be this good. The plot sounded interesting but I got hooked in the first 10 minutes. The characters are very unique and incredible in their way. This is a heartwarming, funny and artful movie set in Dublin 1985. I'm glad I watched this happy-sad movie. The script is very wise and the cast is amazing. You have to see this charming movie as soon as you can!

The Secret of Kells (2009)

"Do you want to see the most beautiful page? The one that will turn darkness into light?"

The Story of the Secret of Kells is a simple one. But you have to see this animation because of its visuals. This is one of the most visually inventive movies so far. You'll be impressed by the amount of creativity and work that had to go into making this movie.

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